Sharrow Lantern Carnival
with us
We are looking for dedicated, enthusiastic people to get involved in the running of the carnival.
There is no sign up form, just read the details below then email and tell us what you'd like to do:
Show people how to make amazing lanterns
Carnival Day Team
There are several volunteer roles needed on Carnival Day to make sure it's well organised and everyone is welcomed and feels safe.
Carnival Steward Role
Stewards are needed to make sure everyone feels welcome and stays safe during the parade.
Stewards are only required on Carnival Day, from 4pm to 8.30pm.
Experience is not needed.
You need to be super friendly and happy to chat to strangers. Stewards work together in pairs, walking alongside the parade.
You will attend a Steward's Briefing Session before the event starts to explain procedures such as lost children and first aid. The Police will be with us, and most issues will be referred to them. At the end of the parade Stewards will continue to circulate within the crowd making sure people are safe, and picking litter.
4.30pm Steward's Briefing.
6pm Parade starts.
8.30 Finish with a tidy up of the park
We will provide hi-vis vests and ear-plugs (it gets loud). Please wear warm clothes, suitable for cold and potentially wet weather.
Please email us here to register your interest:
Event Team Volunteers
The Carnival parade ends at Lowfield Park, where there will be decorations, Fire Dancers, live music stalls and decorations.
The Event Team make sure the Park is ready for the arrival of the parade.
Set up the Park, decorate with Lanterns,
Set-up the safety barrier for Fire Dancers,
man a hot drinks stall (to raise funds)
Pack-up and litter-pick the Park.
You need to be well organised, good at communicating. Able to work well in a team and problem-solve on your feet.
The role is only needed on Carnival Day, from 4pm to 8.30pm.
Please email us here to register your interest:
Lantern Making Workshops
During February and March we put on public lantern making workshops. We need about 20 volunteers to facilitate these. We also need two volunteers to communicate and coordinate them.
Lantern Making Workshop Volunteer Role
You’ll be part of a small team, helping people make lanterns.
You don't need experience in lantern making, it's easy and we will teach you at the Training Session on Sat Feb 18th.
You need to be confident in talking to strangers, friendly and welcoming.
It's good if you are a bit arty and crafty. The main thing is to encourage others to be creative.
All children are accompanied by adults so you will not be responsible for anyone.
There are the workshop dates and times:
Saturday Workshops on Feb 25th, Mar 4th, Mar 11th Mar 18th, from 1-5pm.
Sunday Workshops on Feb 26th, Mar 5th, Mar 12th, Mar 19th, from 1-5pm.
Thursday Workshops will on Feb 23rd, Mar 2nd, Mar 9th, Mar 16th, from 6-9pm.
You don’t need to commit to helping at all the workshops, two or three would be great. We’d like you to tell us if you are available or not, so we can plan.
You must attend the Training Session on Saturday Feb 18th.
Please email us here to register your interest: