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Sharrow Lantern Carnival

Date: Sunday March 23rd 2025
Place to be confirmed
Time: Gather at 6pm 


Volunteers Needed!

find out more here:  

Lantern Making Workshops


SATURDAY afternoons at 

Sharrow Community Forum, Vincent Rd.

2.30 - 5.30pm

March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd.

SUNDAY afternoons at

the Baptist Church, Napier St. S11

1.30 - 4.30pm.

March 2nd, 9th, 16th.

MONDAY evenings at 

Sharrow Community Forum, Vincent Rd.

5.30 - 8.30pm

March 3rd, 10th, 17th.

Children must be accompanied at all times.​

All materials are provided. 

Please donate if you can.

Volunteers can help you get started.

Donate via PayPal: 

Or our bank Metro Bank, Account no: 44626381

Sort Code: 23-05-80

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The Sharrow Lantern Carnival Association is a small group of volunteers.

All donated funds go directly to pay for materials, venue hire and insurance.

The Sharrow Lantern Carnival

is a celebration of community and creativity, a free family event.

Anyone can join in, make a lantern,

or dance in the street!

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Survey 2024-25

Tell us what you value about the Lantern Carnival, give us your good ideas or feedback. 

Click Here: 

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We are the Sharrow Lantern Carnival Association,

please donate to make sure the Carnival happens this year: 

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